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Bike Ole Miss
The University of Mississippi

Rules of the Road

A bicycle is a vehicle. Bicyclists should ride on the road and follow all regulatory signs and traffic lights. This includes stopping at stop signs, yielding to oncoming traffic, and using hand signals when turning and stopping. Follow these rules when on a bicycle:

  1. Never ride against traffic. Ride with traffic to avoid collisions.
  2. Be predictable while biking. Use hand signals to tell other vehicles and pedestrians what you intend to do.
  3. Bicyclists may use the full lane.
  4. Always wear a helmet. Helmets reduce the risk of head injury in a bicycle accident.
  5. Use bike lights and wear reflective clothing at night or when visibility is poor.

For more tips, click here. Watch the League of American Bicyclist’s Smart Cycling videos to prepare yourself for any situation that might arise while you are on a bike.

Rules of the Road