Share the Road Week 2011: Success!
Rebels, thank you for your support!
Hundreds of students, faculty, and staff signed the pledge to show their commitment to sharing the road with all users.
Share the Road Week Recap
Thank you to all 200+ individuals who signed the Share the Road pledge! Throughout the week, members of the ASB and other concerned students spoke with pedestrians, motorists, and bikers about ways that all can share the road responsibly, safely, and courteously. Please visit back soon for pictures and a video!
Share the Road Campaign Overview
The Associated Student Body (ASB) in partnership with the Office of Campus Sustainability are sponsoring Share the Road Week, October 3-7, 2011. Share the Road is a student-led campaign to encourage bicyclists, motorists, and pedestrians to become more aware of each other and learn safety tips for the road. All students, faculty and staff are encouraged to sign the Share the Road pledge to make a commitment to using the roads safely and responsibly. Information tables will be set up inside and outside the Union where anyone can come and sign the pledge and learn some quick tips about road safety.
There will also be a community bicycle ride free to anyone, to help learn how to be a safer biker. The Bike Give Back program also returns. Anyone in need of transportation who wishes to apply for a free refurbished bike can pick up an application in the ASB office Union 408 or in the Office for Campus Sustainability Lyceum 304. They are due Tuesday, October 4th by 4PM in either the ASB or OCS office. Recipients will be announce Wednesday, October 5th in front of the Union, and will receive their bikes along with short safety ride with an experience Oxford biker on Thursday, October 6th.
Share the Road Events
Sign the Pledge: October 3-6, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Visit the Student Union and sign the pledge to show your support!
Community Ride: October 4, 12:15 p.m.
Participate in a group ride from the Union, down the Depot trail, to the Square and back. Learn techniques, safe biking tips, and what to check on your bike before you ride.
Bike Give-Away: October 5, Noon
The Bike GiveBack program will give away 10 bikes to students who have applied. Currently only students without a car on campus are eligible to apply.
Campaign Goals
The goals of this campaign are to:
- Raise awareness among motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians about the rules of the road
- Increase the comfort level of bicyclists with riding on the road
- Promote responsible and safe biking habits
- Support the fast growing popularity of biking as a means of transportation